Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More Projects

When I bought the supplies to make Bostyn's hooded towel, I also bought supplies to make some more hooded towels for Braysen. My sewing machine was not cooperating at the time and would sometimes work and sometimes not, so I made the one for Desiree's shower, but I never got around to making Braysen's.

Well, I got a new sewing machine for Christmas, so last night I decided it was time to put it to use. I made two hooded towels for Braysen. They were super easy and took very little time. I made two different styles to see which one I liked best.

I recieved a handmade hooded towel like these at my baby shower. When we brought Braysen home, it seemed so huge for my little tiny baby. Now that he's bigger, the flimsy hooded towels just don't cut it. He loves to snuggle up with these towels after his bath!

I have more sewing projects in the works. I hope to get more done this week while I'm off, but I also want to get really far ahead in my lesson planning and get a lot done for Braysen's birthday party because January and February are filled with a ton of cake orders!


  1. I wish I was this talented! Noah loves hooded towells too!

    Super cute!

  2. Wow! My daughter has become a crafty person...wonder where she is getting it from because it sure isn't from me!

  3. Amy your so freaking cute! Miss you guys! Ohh do you make grown up ones? :)

  4. Thank you!

    And mom, I've seen you do some crafty stuff before!

    Tressa, we miss you, too! I can't even remember when it was that I saw you last. Probably in Havasu? And I totally offerered to make one for Tony...he wasn't going for it. :)

  5. ohhh I know I do think that was the last time :( super sad face maybe one day we will be able to meet again! Tell Tony he shouldn't say no until he has tried it, its gotta be comfy!
