Thursday, November 15, 2012

Some Ultrasound Pictures!

 I've been hesistant to post ultrasound pictures because some people are weirded out by them. Consider this your warning. If you don't want to see them, then don't scroll down!

Yesterday the perinatologist was checking the babies and their growth and for abnormalities. Both babies are still transverse, as they have been since my first ultrasound. .  Baby A is unbelievably active! At our gender ultrasound at 14 weeks, she was kicking the heck out of her sister! At every ultrasound, Baby B has been much more mild mannered. Baby A has her head on my right side and Baby B's head is towards my left side. I feel most of the movement towards my left side, which just so happens to be where Baby A's feet are. Crazy little girl! Of course he didn't let us out of there without a few souvenirs.

Baby A - It was tough for the doc to get a clear shot of her because she was moving around so much.

Baby B

Baby A's foot - One of the only clear shots he was able to get with her.

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