Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blurry-Pictured Wild Child

*NOTE - All the pictures in this post are taken from my phone. This wild child never stops moving, so a majority of the pictures are blurry. My apologies up front.

Braysen has been feeling a little under the weather the past few days and has not really been himself. But man, when he starts to feel better there's no mistaking it. He was FULL of it today. Almost like he was making up for the past few days.

He was all over the place and has really become comfortable with his walking skills. He will take off (though not very quickly) to try to catch Tiffany. He also walks in circles around the couch. Don't ask.

This is a little racetrack my parents bought for him for Christmas. He for some reason just wants to always sit on it. He of course, thinks this is hilarious.


Bath time was interesting. He has those foam shapes, letters, and numbers. I always stick them on his forehead (6head, poor guy) and he laaaughs.

Tonight, he decided to try it on his own. He didn't get it to stick to his 6head forehead, but he did manage to get it to stay on top of his head.

Then (and this is the first time he's done this) he decided it would be fun to toss his toys out of the tub, one at a time.

It was pretty funny. As I was trying to get another picture of him tossing his toys out, he tossed out a cup full of water!

After his bath, he gets a few more minutes to play before bedtime. At some point today he started standing up in this little car. Tonight, he decided that he was not only going to stand up, but he was also going to use it to help him climb up onto my furniture.

I have so many pictures of this kid climbing up onto things, it could probably be it's very own post. Maybe later. :)

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cutie!! I always say I'm going to Raging Waters when I give Noah is bath..still almost 4 & full cups of water being thrown about. I think we should invest in poncho's for bath time haha
