Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bow Cupcakes

Red velvet cupcakes. Iced with rolled homemade fondant and homemade fondant bow.

When I posted about Tony's birthday party, I talked about how I would never send out a cake that I wasn't proud of and how I would do whatever it took to make it right. These cupcakes are a perfect example of that. I finished all the original bows for these cupcakes at about 10 on Friday night. From then on, it would be cake, because the bows were the hardest part. After I started thinking about it, I thought the bows would look a lot cuter with big polka dots (the first ones I did were smaller). I made another bow and tested out my big polka dot theory. I was right. They looked so much better with the big ones. So I stayed up until 3:30 and remade all the bows. I was really tired the next day, but so much happier with how they turned out!

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