Friday, July 22, 2011


We accomplished #21 on our summer to-do list: Make Fudge Popsicles

They were super easy, and I was really happy to find another use for Braysen's containers from his homemade baby food! I do have popsicle molds that I've used for the watermelon popsicles I made for the boys, but I wanted something much smaller because the watermelon popsicles were all fruit and these had chocolate and sugar in them.

"C'mon, Mom, let's go!!"
There is a reason he is in only a diaper. :)

Sidetracked by an airplane. He loooves airplanes. And since we live so close to the base, we have planes flying over our house constantly. So all day long, every time he hears an "air pane" we have to run outside to check it out. And yes, he sits and points like this every time until he can't see the plane anymore.

I love his face in this one! Don't mind the pallet that you can see in the background, it's part of one of my current projects that is almost finished. I have a blog I'm working on for that one too.

Maybe it's a good idea we decided to do this on a day that Daddy wasn't home. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy I love your blog. What is the recipe you used to make the fudge popsicles?
