Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First Sewing Project? Ha!

Back in June of last year I began talking about getting my sewing machine fixed. I really wanted a camera strap, but I dont' want to spend my money on one don't like to pay for things that I think I can do myself. I said that if I ever got my machine fixed, the first thing I'd make would be my camera strap.

Whoops. I lied.

I never made it.

Technically, I guess I didn't lie, because rather than get my machine fixed, I got a new one for Christmas. Anyway, I started it at the beginning of summer and finally finished it last night.

Most of the fabric used was found in the remnants section and the burlap was left over from the gift bags for Braysen's birthday party. The buttons and jewels I already had.


1 comment:

  1. Looks great! I love checking out all of your projects! It has definitely inspired me to get working on all of the ones I have put off for several months! :)
    Braysen is adorable!!! I hope we can head out to visit all of you guys soon! Taylor would really enjoy the play time!
