Every year since Tony and I have been married, on Christmas Eve morning, I always buy frozen from the store and then bake Monkey Bread. This year I stayed true to tradition, but I decided to actually make it myself. It was really good, but I'm not sure if it was so much better than the store-bought kind that I will continue to make it myself. This year was a little different, because I had one of Santa's helpers at home to assist me.
Here he is checking on the Monkey Bread as it bakes. You notice he needed to move my hand towels in order to see better.
I have another blog I will be working on about his new obsession, but here are a few pictures to show that I am not crazy. Since figuring out how to crawl under my coffee table, he now is crawling under everything! I catch him under my dining room table or under my barstools at least 15 times a day.
In this next picture, you can see that at this point, he was taking my hand towels everywhere with him.
He loves his Tiffany...
...and feeding her doggie treats!
Every year on Christmas Eve, we go to my Grandma's house. She and my Papa used to always have a huge Christmas Eve party. Papa always said that even after he was gone, he wanted his family and friends to still come over on Christmas Eve. Every year since he passed, the crowd has dwindled more and more, and Christmas Eve will never be the same without Papa there.
Under tables again!
Christmas morning we got up and started our day. No lollygagging here, we had LOTS to do today!
From there, we went to my parents' house to have breakfast and open gifst. His new Cars chair from Grammie and Papa, which he absolutely LOVES!
We then packed up the car (literally loaded from top to bottom) and headed home because Tony's parents and brother came over for dinner.
horse dog is not ours. JC came over to visit and brought his buddy along with him. Braysen was of course obsessessed.
So now everything is cleaned up and Braysen conked out early. It started raining. What else is there to do?? We decided to play Scrabble, which is the game that Santa brought for our family this year. Yes, here we are playing Scrabble and drinking hot chocolate. Man, when did we become so old?! I am typing this blog in between my turns, because Tony spends hours agonizing over his word choice. I timed him tonight and one of his turns actually took 40 minutes. If you know Tony, you know exactly what I'm talking about!
And for the record, I have no idea what that white spot is next to my chair. I originally thought it was from the camera flash, but it isn't. Definitely weird.