Sunday, October 25, 2009


Our little guy finally has a name!


  1. Gage is such a cool name...I love it!!! Braysen is neat too...did you get it from a baby book or think it up on your own?

  2. Well, we thought we made it up. We really liked Brayden, but we were looking for something a little less popular and different. Brayden has become really popular in the last few years, so we played with the name a little and came up with Braysen. After doing an internet search, I found out that it is a real name!

  3. I Looooove it! Can't wait to meet little Braysen!

  4. I love this name.... He will be a cutie and I cant wait for him to come into the world so we can meet your little bundle of joy!!! love ya xoxox
