Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010...

I'm late on this post, but I guess better late than never, right? 2010 started off with SO MUCH going on!.


I had my baby shower. For an overload of shower pictures, you can check them out here.

And the packing to move out of our first home continued...

I was really pregnant,

Had an awesome class parent that planned a baby shower for my class,

And the packing up of the house became frantic!

Braysen was born

And we finally closed escrow on our next home and moved again.

We had Braysen's first Easter.

Braysen and Tiffany spent a lot of time napping. Not together, of course. Tiffany wanted absolutely nothing to do with him at this point,

And, I did my first fondant-covered cake!

My first Mother's Day

Lots of BBQs and play dates

River trips and pool time. This was also the last month that I worked and officially became a stay-at-home mommy (or so I thought I would be)

Father's Day

July was filled with river trips, BBQs, and play dates.

We also started making baby food!

In August we had Tony's 30th birthday party. Two days before his party, I found another job!

And we started to see a huge change in Braysen's personality.

He started sitting up.

There was also lots of pool time!

Our last river trip of the summer.

My birthday

 Birthday parties and play dates

Skye and Starr's wedding

Braysen started pulling himseld up on everything

We went to my 10-year high school reunion

Pumpkin patch


Braysen and Tiffany learned how to play together

Lots of playtime

Braysen's first haircut

And the only way the little squirmy wormy can be changed anymore.

Braysen's first Thanksgiving

Decorating for Christmas

Catalina Grand Prix

Becoming an escape artist

First Christmas


  1. Cute post! It looks like you had a great year of firsts with Braysen.

    PS your hair grows really fast. It also always looks great!

  2. You're so cute pregnant!! I love your sons name that is very cute.

    And the pic of him in the Easter basket! Congrats on your first home :)

    Happy New Year
