Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jaxon!

Today we headed out to Newport to celebrate Jaxon's 2nd birthday. Tony's cousin Mallory did such a great job. Everything was so cute!

Prepare for a ton of pictures. It was a long but very fun day.

For starters, it was at Tony's Aunt Becky's house. Her house is on the beach and it is BEAUTIFUL! That big blue house? Yep, that's hers. I think the first floor alone is bigger than our entire house.

This shot is of her view from one side of the patio. I wasn't smart enough to take a picture of the view from her upstairs bedroom. All I can say is that if I woke up to the view that she sees every morning from her bedroom window, I'd have a really hard time getting ready to leave to go to work. I've never been a person that wanted to live at the beach, but in a house like hers, I MIGHT be able to handle it! :)

The birthday boy!

Aunt Becky helping Braysen test drive Jaxon's new bike.

For some reason, ice buckets seem to be a huge attraction at these birthday parties

Taking a break for a brewski.

I have video of this. It's really hilarious, but I'll save it for its own post.

Vivian decided she needed one also.

Upside down!

This is the first picture I've seen where I think he looks like I might be his mother.

The last of these pictures show how we spent the last part of our day in Newport. They also explain why we never made it to the second party we were supposed to go to today. The boys were having so much fun and played so hard. Braysen conked out on the way home and has not had the best sleep lately. We decided to just bring him home and let him sleep rather than wake him up when we got to our next destination.

When we got back to the house, a wrestling match ensued. In case there is any question, Jaxon won. :) I have a feeling this is the first of many wrestling matches between these two cousins. If JD and Heather's baby turns out to be a boy also I think we're in big trouble!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Braysen is now in his booster seat. We had to pack the highchair up a while back because he (surprise) would continually climb out of it. So he eats at the table with us. During the week when it is just the two of us at dinner, we just eat at the island because it is a little lower than my table, so he can reach a little better. I got up from my seat for a moment. When I returned, I found him like this.

He just decided to help himself to my water!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First Sewing Project? Ha!

Back in June of last year I began talking about getting my sewing machine fixed. I really wanted a camera strap, but I dont' want to spend my money on one don't like to pay for things that I think I can do myself. I said that if I ever got my machine fixed, the first thing I'd make would be my camera strap.

Whoops. I lied.

I never made it.

Technically, I guess I didn't lie, because rather than get my machine fixed, I got a new one for Christmas. Anyway, I started it at the beginning of summer and finally finished it last night.

Most of the fabric used was found in the remnants section and the burlap was left over from the gift bags for Braysen's birthday party. The buttons and jewels I already had.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Bathtime continues to be Braysen's favorite part of the day.

 Mom, quit telling me to smile. I'm not listening anymore!
No really, though, he's just a little obsessed with ears these days. Not just his own, anybody who will get close enough.

Baby Andrew's Goodies

I'm finally getting around to posting pics of baby Andrew's wipes case and hooded towel, since I'm lame and haven't done it yet.

Littlest Leveler

Braysen is a big helper. Not only does he help me with the vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting, he likes to help daddy around the house and out in the yard.

When Tony was hanging my pallet in the hallway, Braysen found it necessary to help him. He watched intently as Tony used the level to mark the spots on the wall to make sure the pallet would be straight after it was hung.

He took the level from Tony's hand and decided to check the pallet and make sure it was level to begin with.

Checking the stepstool also, just to be safe. 

Since that day he throws a fit every time he sees that level and decides that he just must have it. He has been leveling everything in my house.